Monday 1 November 2010


Our post-modern reference to Taxi Driver has a connection between the character Travis Bickle and the three delinquents in ours. In the film, Travis is a mentally unstable young man who's depression and alienation from the world leads him to lash out violently. Our characters, while not mentally unstable, are also depressed and feel some alienation as they hide behind their masks, all of which causes their violent outbursts.

The exact reference itself is to the scene in which Travis Bickle talks to himself in the mirror whilst pulling out a gun several times, imagining a confrontation as he says "you talking to me?" to whoever he is 'confronting'. In ours, the situation is a little different and willl have a different meaning as our character is actually feeling a mixture of remorse and confusion; as he looks into the mirror, he will mime taking out a gun and pointing to his own reflection like Travis but for our scene this will mean that the character is starting to doubt the path he and his friends are treading on: miming a gun to himself represents his rising awareness of his (as long as he continues his current lifestyle) limited existence.

Obviously, the scene from Taxi Driver is a lot different as it is 30 seconds long and has Travis speaking quite a lot and he has an actual gun, whereas our character will be opposite the mirror for about 5 seconds and won't be saying anything. We cannot use the exact mise-en-scene of similar clothes to Travis as our characters are all wearing hoods and we cannot use a prop gun either as our characters are not quite yet at the stage of using guns, but the motion of miming the pulling out a gun in front of the mirror should be obvious enough to what we are refering to.

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