Saturday 30 October 2010


Last week, we uploaded all our footage onto an iMac and onto its programme iMovie Hd to start this editing business. We proceeded to edit out all bleeps and bloops and were able to roughly finish the continuity process of each scenario we have done so far, all they need now is any effects they may require.

Upon watching the footage of Julia, we realised it is not as good as we thought it was: the lighting appears to be dark (in the footage shot from the camera that was mainly stationary, she is just seen as a dark figure and her face is not visible) so we will try to brighten up the visuals through the editing programme. There's a strong chance it will look unnatural like that though, but we could try adding lenses flares and spotlights which would be more in the style of a music video. If we are unsuccessful we will have to re-film this sequence.

Another potential problem which raises eyebrows is that the cigarette scenario simply does not fit with the flow of the other two scenarios. The phone mugging and bike stealing scenes are somewhat fast and furious, whereas the cigarette scene is kind of slow and spaced out. Also that scene looks quite strange; it looks rather dodgy the way my character just walks on and sits down to watch the kid playing football (why would he do that?) and when the kid is forced to get down (to pick up the cigarette) it can be easily misinterpreted. We'll see if we can speed anything up. However, the scene does contain an interesting shot from the football's POV as it is kicked around. Also, we have added effects to the cigarrete to make it look alight.

There is still a fair bit of filming to do: the rapping scene with the policeman, the scenario involving the pregnant woman, the characters meeting up at the beginning and taking off their masks at the end, us leaving our 'homes' (so far only done this with one) and the post-modern reference to Taxi Driver. I was supposed to film the mirror scene during half-term with my friend Joe; because we have still not done the pregnant woman scene and he remains the character we have not filmed yet, this by default makes him the person in the post-modern reference scene. However he was really late and by the time he arrived at my house it was about 6pm and too dark outside to fit with the narrative's continuity, which annoyed me a bit as he also went away the days after as we are in the half-term holiday.

So far, the length of footage of the three scenarios on the iMacs add up to 3:07 minutes. The song is 4:30ish minutes long so we don't have much time left which is inconvenient as there is loads more to add, including Julia's footage. We have thought about overlaying Julia onto the narrative scenes, that way we can save us some running time as well as still include her 'singing' and it would look kind of stylish anyway. We will see how our running time problem goes as we add more footage. Pablo out!

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