Wednesday 20 October 2010


On Tuesday morning we filmed the scene in which one of the characters jabs a kid in the eye with a cigarette with me as the offender. We used a friend as the younger boy who is kicking a football against the wall where I come to sit down whilst smoking. Unfortunately, we then ran out of battery; this is strange because I had the camera charging all night so I can only assume the socket I used was faulty. Anyway, we were thankfully able to swap it with one of the school's batteries (which was full) so we carried on filming. I am then hit by the ball which knocks the cigarette out of my hand. The boy comes over for the ball and I order him to pick up the cigarette with which I then 'jab his eye' with.

For the jabbing, we filmed a couple of shots/angles of me holding the unlighted cigarette an inch away from his eye - for these the cigarette will appear to be alight and his eye burned after editing effects. We then filmed another couple of shots of me actually jabbing him in the nose but from behind and the side so that it looks like its in the eye. We will edit the angles together later on to make it look as realistic as possible.

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