Tuesday 23 November 2010


We have finished whey!

We realised that we had forgotten to add the Taxi Driver reference scene. Oh dear! Anyway we added those remaining clips in, but as a result the rap scene became out of time as the policeman starts rapping a while after Dynamite MC's vocals begin. We speeded the scene up apart from the gun miming but we still had more we needed to cut. As overlaying of Julia in our cigarette-jabbing scene is of the long-shot we had of her, we realised we could cut that scene as you cannot see her mouth moving; so even though her mouth is moving out of time, it is not noticeable at all. We cut the beginning of the scene so that it starts with a quick shot of the kid playing football, and cut some of my walking. The timing is now all matched.

Crucially to the drum and bass visual convention, we added in shakes and zooms through writing a formula so that our visuals match the tempo a bit more. After adding the song's title and artist at the begining, we finished. Whey! We are happy with our final result. Next step is to get audience feedback and work on our evaluation.

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