Saturday 13 November 2010


It is quite hard to end up not having any post-modern references as many can happen without any intention. The most notable postmodern element in ours is the intertextual reference to Taxi Driver, of which I have already plenty talked about.

The shot in which the bike-mugged victim is layed on the ground with a huge pool of blood is massively postmodern, and it continues to be so as he is then kicked and a further amount of blood splashes out. When we added this effect, we were discussing on editing out an amount of blood so that it looks realistic but then we realised how this blurring of 'real' and 'simulated' could work as a postmodern reference to countless moments in films where an extraordinarilt exxagerated amount of blood is sprayed (mostly in action flicks).

Other postmodern includes the policeman directly looking into the camera and giving the thumbs up, and when the criminals start happily dancing after they throw off their masks - mixing gritty issues with an unexpected humorous occurance is an element of bricolage.

The scene of the policeman rapping can also be categorised as postmodern because it is completely unexpected and nearly parodic in the way an uptight figure of authority suddenly starts rapping with swagger and briefly skanking.

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