Saturday 20 November 2010


Hola mi gente!!

So Ali already took the two files home to overlay Julia onto the narrative. We are happy with the result and are grateful for his work. However, he did it before we could edit the scenarios and so they remain too long. We cannot edit them as planned because as we now have Julia fading into the scenes singing, anything we cut out will mess up the visuals as she will be seen moving her mouth out of time to the vocals. We do not think that the edit error of the first character's head emerging through the corner twice can be noticed much as Julia is added into that shot and distracts the viewer from noticing.

We reckon that Julia is shown to a good extent, as her presence is not overstayed and does not lose its novelty. Actually, she only appears until halfway through the cigarette scene, then she disappears. So we will definitely add a shot of her into our gap later on. The way her happy face fades in and out of the violence works as a nice contrast in the visuals.

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